Pre School Plan

Idk what to think. Two crossed blue lines in the test panel i e a plus sign indicates the results are positive.

Equate Digital Pregnancy Test Positive Pregnancy Test

This means that the test will display a positive result if you have 25 milli international unit of hcg per milliliter of urine.

Equate digital pregnancy test error. It means you re pregnant. Bottom is opk both taken with fmu day 34 and no af had some spotting on off for the past 4 5 days like every other day anyone have a digital lie to them. Came back not pregnant i m still holding out hope until af shows i tried googling the equate.

To use the test simply hold the absorbent tip downward in your urine stream for 5 seconds. The equate digital pregnancy test is easy to use and provides clear results. Okay so i m not due for af for a few more days.

I know digitals aren t as sensitive but i took it anyways. A single horizontal blue line in test panel i e a minus sign indicates a negative result and you re not pregnant. I sent dh out to get a test because i m terrible at waiting.

Equate pregnancy test negative. The sensitivity of this digital pregnancy test has a sensitivity of 25 miu ml which is the same sensitivity as the equate early result pregnancy test. Top is a digital pregnancy test it said not pregnant but i took it apart and this is the test strip.

Equate pregnancy test positive. He came back with an equate digital. Lay the test on a flat surface while it develops and your results will be confirmed in just 3 minutes.

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